Beijing KEY-BIO Biotech Co.,Ltd.


  • R & D assistant

    Position name: R & D assistant

    Job type: full time

    Work experience: not required

    Education requirements: Junior College

    Number of recruits: 2

    Issued on: July 1, 2021


    Job description

    1) Participate in the testing and research of raw material screening and evaluation, process performance and reaction system optimization;

    2) Participate in the research, planning and project establishment of R & D projects;

    3) Participate in new product development and improve existing finished products;

    4) Learn the company's technical standards and participate in the sorting of experimental procedures;

    5) Other work assigned by the leader.


    Recruitment requirements

    1) Bachelor degree or above in medical laboratory, biology, immunology, pharmacy and related majors (candidates are welcome);

    2) Understanding the R & D and production process of ELISA, gold standard, fluorescence and chemiluminescence reagents is preferred;

    3) Honest and dedicated, love learning, strong practical ability and good sense of teamwork.

    R & D assistant